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I Didn't Blame Anyone for the Loss of My Legs...

Lebowski Numbers


The Big Lebowski is, in part, a story about loss; loss of a rug, loss of a car, loss of eight points (“mark it ZERO!”), loss of a friend... Sure, it’s also a wonderful buddy movie, but there is a lot of shit that gets destroyed, stolen, confiscated, thrown away, cut off or heart-attacked.

Help us add to the list of things lost because of Bunny Lebowski’s rather sizeable debt to Jackie Treehorn. Post your answers on our Facebook page or in Reddit r/Lebowski.

The Dude

     2 Door frames

     2 Rugs

     4 - 6 Bathroom floor tiles

     1 Answering machine

     26 Nails and a piece of 2 x 4

     1 Tire (shot out by Uzi)

     1 1973 Ford Grand Torino with cassette deck

     1 Creedence Tape (in the car)

     1 13” Television

     1 Throw pillow

     1 Johnson (almost)

     1 A pair of testicles (almost)


     1 His whites

     1 Leather satchel

     3 Pounds of coffee


     1 Life


     1 Ear

     1 Toe (from girlfriend)

     1 Cowboy boot

     1 Tape Deck

Larry Sellers’ Corvette-owning neighbor

     3 Windows

     2 Headlightsv

     1 Corvette Hood

The Big Lebowski

     1 Rug

     1 Haliburton brief case

     2 LA Phone books

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Meeting Jerry Haleva in L.A. was pretty awesome. He was digging the attention and my wife and I were having fun talking with him about his career as a lobbyist and joking that every movie he's been in, he's played Saddam... ok, that's no joke...